A quarter of a century of power flawless technology


Centuries-old trees grow, mountains rise, kilometres are overcome, people develop, the world changes. Bastak has been working non-stop to realise its goal with sweat of its brow and hope in every step it has taken for 25 years.


Today, Bastak Instruments, as the first and only R&D and Innovation base in Turkey and in the world, has become a leader in its field with 195 engineers, 72 types of quality control devices, technological and fast solutions that will make modern life easier, and advanced sensors.


Let's go back a little bit,


Founded in 1999 by Zeki Demirtaşoğlu, Bastak Instruments, the first of the Bastak Group Companies, has been realising its centuries-old dreams in its quarter-century adventure, adding flavour to food, energising life and designing the future with its expert and international staff in order to leave a livable world for future generations with the power it derives from its values in the fields of food, flour, grain, seed, oilseed, legume and feed quality control devices, robotic sampling systems with Turkey's and the world's first patent and utility model, 35 different flour additives.


Bastak Academy is proud of representing our country in the international arena while being in the leading position with the first and only ICC Standard 189 and ICC Standard 192 standards in Turkey, 4 analysis methods and 9 devices in the ICC booklet, which it has brought to the world and our country, pioneering science and academia.


Under the roof of Bastak Academy, while signing international seminars and symposiums, it offers an enriched learning experience with online and face-to-face trainings in its factory, articles and academic studies. By creating a continuous learning environment, it aims to achieve equal opportunity in education and focuses on science and innovation.


Today, it is rising with the power it takes from its experience and the touches it makes on food safety, food security and human life, while signing its name in gold letters and signing the latest technology projects that change lives all over the world; from Turkey to Colombia, from Indonesia to Algeria, from India to Russia.


While serving the economy of our country and the world, science and innovation, the health and life of humanity, we hope that we will achieve many centuries of success while protecting the adventure of wheat and the ancestral seed that started in Göbeklitepe in Anatolia 12 thousand years ago...